Akte Logov0.4.2 - GitHub


Overall, the main difference between Akte and the tools listed below is that Akte has a much smaller scope than any of them, and is much lower level.

These comparisons exist to help share a better picture of where Akte stands next to other tools.

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11ty is an awesome static site generator which I had the opportunity to work with a lot1. Among the other tools listed here, 11ty might be the closest one to Akte.

11ty and Akte both can:

Unlike 11ty, Akte:


Astro is an all-in-one web framework embracing the island architecture and providing integrations with most JavaScript frameworks.

Overall, Astro is much more featureful than Akte but lacks some flexibility coming to its serverless integrations3, but it's improving fast. Astro also does not seem to offer a programmatic API.


  1. I created and maintain 11ty plugins, had the opportunity to give talks about 11ty, and my website, among others, was built with 11ty

  2. It's fair to note 11ty can run TypeScript with 3rd party tools

  3. Namely, Astro is not able to have a same page used both at build time and in a serverless environment, which has been a dealbreaker for me on previous occasions, this might be worked around by leveraging Astro integration API